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House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer)
        Debat over vuurwerkverbod voor consumenten
Source published: 18 February 2025

Debate on Fireworks Ban for Consumers

The House of Representatives will debate on Wednesday, February 19, on a legislative proposal that bans the use of fireworks by consumers. The proposal was submitted by MPs Jesse Klaver (GroenLinks) and Esther Ouwehand (PvdD). Follow the plenary debate live from 3:30 PM via this website and Debat Direct.

The legislative proposal from MPs Klaver and Ouwehand advocates for a total ban on the sale and use of consumer fireworks. They aim to prevent fireworks-related nuisance for people, animals, and the environment.

Victims and Environment

“New Years Eve is a celebration for everyone in the Netherlands. But the annual celebration has a dark side,” write the submitters in their proposal. Last New Years Eve, according to External link:VeiligheidNL, the knowledge center for injury prevention, 1,162 fireworks victims were treated at emergency rooms or by general practitioner emergency services.

Klaver and Ouwehand also find that New Years Eve in the Netherlands is a heavy burden on public order and the legal order, safety, public health, and the environment. They therefore want a fireworks ban for consumers. The proposal does not affect the professional use of fireworks.

Debate in Stages

The House started considering the legislative proposal on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. During this debate, MPs asked questions to the submitters and debated among themselves. On Wednesday, February 18, the debate will continue, and Klaver and Ouwehand will provide answers. This completes the first round or stage of the debate.

Usually, there are more questions after the first stage. Therefore, a second stage follows, in which different MPs can ask questions again and submit motions. The submitters will respond again.

Legislative Proposal

Since it is a legislative proposal, it is defended by the submitters. MPs Klaver and Ouwehand are therefore in section K, where usually the ministers sit.

Minister David van Weel (Justice and Security) and State Secretary Chris Jansen (Infrastructure and Water Management) are substantively involved in the topic. They are also present at the debate and provide advice. If the House of Representatives approves the proposal, the submitters will also defend it in the Senate.

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Source last updated: 18 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 19 February 2025
Source: Tweede Kamer