More than one in ten Dutch people aged 18 and older move enough minutes, but too few spread over different moments in the week. As a result, this group does not yet meet the Physical Activity Guidelines of the Health Council (external link) (GR). If they make active choices a bit more often throughout the day, they can meet the guidelines. For example, by choosing to bike instead of driving or regularly taking the stairs instead of the elevator. This is shown by research from the RIVM.
If this group does this, the percentage of adult Dutch people meeting these guidelines rises to 56%. In 2023, this percentage was stuck at 44%. According to the GR group risk (group risk), an adult moves enough with 150 minutes spread over the week. This involves moderate to vigorous physical activity. This can include cycling, heavy household work, or sports. Additionally, the advice is to do muscle-strengthening activities at least twice a week, such as walking or strength training.
Distributing Movement Throughout the Week
This RIVM research shows that some people do not move too few minutes, but do not distribute their movement enough throughout the week. For this group, only a small change is needed to meet the Physical Activity Guidelines. The government aims for three-quarters of the population to meet these guidelines by 2040. To achieve this goal, more is needed. A systemic approach can contribute to this. In this, different parties (such as government, social organizations, and businesses) work together from different domains (such as care, work, education, and living environment).
Most Health Gains
The RIVM also looked at who makes up the groups of non-movers and low movers. The first group is very small. It comprises 1.6% in 2023, while slightly more than half of the Dutch population moves little. Older adults and people with disabilities and/or long-term conditions move less often. For people who do not or hardly move, health will improve the most if they start moving (more). People who already move can gain even more health benefits by moving more, longer, or more intensely.
The RIVM conducted this research on behalf of the Ministry of VWS Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport). The results are based on data from the Health Survey/Lifestyle Monitor 2023 of the CBS Central Bureau of Statistics (Central Bureau of Statistics) and the RIVM. More than 9000 people aged 4 and older participated in this survey. The measurement is repeated annually.