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                  DNA-materiaal grootschalig DNA-onderzoek Nicky Verstappen vernietigd
Source published: 18 February 2025

Destruction of DNA Material from Large-Scale DNA Research on Nicky Verstappen

The investigative material from the large-scale DNA research in the case of Nicky Verstappen has been destroyed at the request of the Public Prosecution Service (OM) in early February. This concerns DNA and the DNA profiles of men who voluntarily provided DNA in 2017/2018 and consented to the material being retained until the criminal case was concluded. Participants will receive a letter this week about the destruction of the DNA.

Nicky Verstappen disappeared on August 10, 1998, from a youth camp in Brunssummerheide in Limburg. The next day he was found dead. It soon became suspected that he died due to a crime. Over the years, multiple suspects came into view, from whom DNA profiles were also created. These could be compared with the DNA profile established in 2006, obtained from traces found on Nicky Verstappens clothing. This did not lead to a match.

Large-Scale DNA Research

From 2017, the OM, in collaboration with the police and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), began preparations for a large-scale DNA study. Approximately 22,000 men from the Brunssummerheide area in Limburg were asked to voluntarily provide DNA. About 15,000 men responded to the call and voluntarily provided DNA in 2017/2018.

NFI Methodology

The NFI conducted the technical part of the analysis of this large-scale DNA research completely anonymously. The DNA that was taken was only used for comparison with the DNA profiles made from the traces found on Nicky Verstappen. This means their DNA was also not used for comparison with profiles from other investigations.

Destruction of DNA

The men who provided their DNA for the investigation could choose whether they wanted their DNA and the resulting DNA profile to be destroyed immediately after the comparative DNA investigation or after the criminal case was concluded. Nearly 2,200 participants chose immediate DNA destruction. The remaining participants chose to wait for destruction until the criminal case was concluded.

The criminal case regarding the death of Nicky Verstappen has now been concluded. The convicted individual has been sentenced to a definitive prison term.

The DNA material was collected by the NFI. Subsequently, a transport company appointed by the State picked it up and took it to a certified destruction company. There, all DNA material was burned and provided with a destruction certificate. The NFI also destroyed all printed DNA profiles and deleted all digital files.

Sent Letters

At the start of the large-scale DNA research, all participants were informed that they would be notified when the DNA material was destroyed. The 2,200 participants who chose immediate DNA destruction were sent a letter about this. The remaining participants will receive a letter from the OM this week regarding the DNA destruction, in which they are also thanked for voluntarily providing their DNA. Participating in such research can be of great value for the police and the OM in the investigation, particularly in the search for the perpetrator.

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Source last updated: 18 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 18 February 2025
Source: Openbaar Ministerie