Together with Stichting Kielegat, Curio Werk/Leerbedrijf, and various carnival groups like t Aogje, Boemeldonck, Lestogenblik, Giegeldonk, and Sikken, we ensure that all children who want to can celebrate Carnival, even with a sustainable heart or a small budget.
You can donate carnival clothing until February 3rd in collection bins at various locations in Breda. The clothing will be sorted and can be borrowed or picked up for free starting from week 8 in a store. This way, children can choose something that fits them.
Where can you donate?
- Huis van de Heuvel and De Vlieren (Mgr. Nolensplein 1 and 3)
- Childrens farm Wolfslaar (Wolfslaardreef 95)
- Various schools in Breda (ask if your school is participating!)
Where can you borrow (starting week 8)?
- Pearls in Houtmarktpassage 33 (Breda city center)
Stores will be available from week 8 at:
- Already at 22 primary schools in Breda, Prinsenbeek, and Teteringen
Want to know more or become a collection point? Or do you have an initiative for childrens carnival clothing? Contact