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Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate
                  3 geluidsoverschrijdingen op Schiphol, ILT-Luchtvaartautoriteit kan niet optreden
Source published: 5 March 2025

3 Noise Exceedances at Schiphol, ILT Aviation Authority Unable to Act

In 2024, Schiphol Airport exceeded noise limits at 3 enforcement points. These exceedances result from flying under the New Standards and Enforcement System (NNHS). The aviation authority of the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT Aviation Authority) cannot impose measures as the conditions for anticipatory enforcement are met.

In 2024, Schiphol Airport exceeded noise limits at 3 enforcement points. These exceedances result from flying under the New Standards and Enforcement System (NNHS). The aviation authority of the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT Aviation Authority) cannot impose measures as the conditions for anticipatory enforcement are met.

Additionally, there were 4 deviations from departure routes at night. The airlines received warnings for this. The ILT Aviation Authority imposed a penalty on an airline that deviated from the night routes three times within a year. This is stated in the Schiphol 2024 enforcement report published today by the ILT Aviation Authority.

Anticipatory Enforcement

On directive from the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, the ILT Aviation Authority does not impose measures on the sector for exceedances at enforcement points if these are due to flying according to the NNHS rules. These involve 4 rules for strictly preferential runway use.

Airport Traffic Decree

Schiphol is subject to standards for noise, the maximum number of night flights, the emission of air pollutants, and safety for the environment (external safety). Additionally, there are rules for runway and route use and the emission of air pollutants at the airport. These standards and rules are detailed in the Airport Traffic Decree Schiphol (LVB). The ILT Aviation Authority monitors compliance with the LVB by Schiphol, Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL), and airlines. At the end of each usage year (period 1 November to 31 October), the ILT Aviation Authority compiles an enforcement report with the results of its oversight.


For air traffic to and from Schiphol, noise limits apply to both the total amount of noise and the local amount of noise at several fixed enforcement points around Schiphol. In the usage year 2024, the noise limits were exceeded at enforcement points 19, 20, and 25 by 7.2%, 19.1%, and 21.9%, respectively. These exceedances result from flying according to the NNHS. Due to the ministers directive, the ILT Aviation Authority cannot impose measures for this. At all other enforcement points, including those for the night, the actual noise levels were below the limits.

Night Flights, Runway, and Route Use

The number of night flights by commercial traffic was 24,941. Compared to last year, this is an increase of 1.6%. The maximum permitted number of night flights by commercial traffic is 32,000.

In the usage year 2024, commanders deviated from night departure routes 5 times. The respective airlines received warning letters for this. The ILT Aviation Authority imposed a penalty on one airline because it deviated from night routes three times within a year. The rules for route use applicable to LVNL were not violated. No violation of the runway use rules was found.

Emissions and External Safety

Schiphol is subject to limits for the emission of air pollutants by aircraft (emissions). These involve relative standards for carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter. The emissions remained below the limits in the usage year 2024. This also applies to external safety.

Use of Built-In Auxiliary Engines

The unnecessary use of the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU, the built-in auxiliary engine of an aircraft that runs on kerosene) leads to unwanted emissions at the airport. Reducing APU use benefits air quality and the health of platform workers. According to the LVB, Schiphol is obliged to equip at least 61 aircraft stands (VOPs) with alternative, cleaner power and air conditioning facilities. Currently, 46 VOPs are equipped with these.

The ILT Aviation Authority monitors and promotes the full equipping of VOPs, so APU use is limited. Additionally, it checks whether commanders use APUs in accordance with LVB obligations and the APU rules of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). This oversight led to 2 warnings, 1 penalty, and 2 collections of a penalty in the usage year 2024.

State of Aviation

The main results of the ILT Aviation Authoritys oversight of Schiphol and the 4 regional airports are also included in the State of Aviation. This will be presented to the House of Representatives by the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management in the first half of this year.

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Source last updated: 5 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 5 March 2025
Source: Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport