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Interior and Kingdom Relations
Internetconsultatie over nieuwe Kaderwet rijksinspecties
Source published: 27 January 2025

Internet Consultation on New Framework Law for National Inspections

The cabinet has created a proposal to improve the independence of inspections: the Framework Law for National Inspections. Everyone can now respond via an internet consultation.

National inspections are essential for politics and policy. They fall under a ministry but must operate independently. The new law aims to better safeguard this independence.

Responsibility and Independence

The law establishes principles and responsibilities, including the role of the inspection within the ministry. The goal is to balance ministerial responsibility and independence. Inspections must be able to publish their reports and advice without ministry intervention.

Internet Consultation

The cabinet presents the proposal for consultation online. Everyone can participate. The consultation lasts two months, after which feedback will be processed and the proposal will be submitted to the Council of State.

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Source last updated: 27 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 27 January 2025
Source: Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties