USAR.NLs classification as a Heavy Team demonstrates that it can handle the most challenging rescue operations in urban areas. The team operates according to international agreements and is also capable of coordinating international rescue operations. A team must be entirely self-sufficient for a minimum of 10 days to avoid further burdening an affected country.
Last week, the team participated in a European exercise in Portugal, alongside various other European USAR and Medical Teams. An internationally composed team of classifiers was present to evaluate the Dutch team based on a long list of requirements. After four days and nights, the verdict came: once again, USAR.NL is allowed to wear the coveted INSARAG Heavy Team badge.
USAR.NL Since 2003
Over the years, USAR.NL has been deployed after earthquakes in Morocco (2003), Pakistan (2005), Haiti (2010), Nepal (2015), and Turkey (2023). The team also assisted on Sint Maarten after Hurricane Irma (2017) and searched for survivors in the port of Beirut, Lebanon after a massive explosion (2020). During the deployments in Nepal, Lebanon, and Turkey, the team played a coordinating role in the USAR deployment of all international rescue teams. With this work, the team continuously strives to provide hope, comfort, and perspective to victims of the most horrific disasters.
Recently, the team was deployed in The Hague after the devastating explosion at Tarwekamp. One person was found and rescued. USAR.NL classified itself as a Heavy Team in 2007 and has successfully reclassified in 2011, 2019, and 2025.