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Interior and Kingdom Relations
Tegemoetkoming voor meer huurders in het aardbevingsgebied
Source published: 21 January 2025

Compensation for More Tenants in the Earthquake Area

More tenants of social rental homes in the earthquake area will receive a one-time compensation of €750. This is compensation for overdue maintenance. Due to uncertainty about strengthening, maintenance was often postponed. The postal code areas eligible for compensation have now been expanded.

State Secretary for Recovery Groningen, Eddie van Marum: “Everyone should be able to live in a safe and well-maintained home. Due to uncertainty about strengthening, maintenance was often delayed. It is good news that more tenants are now eligible for compensation. This applies to both tenants of private social housing and tenants from housing corporations.”

Social Renting from Private Landlords

The scheme is for people who rented in the social sector as of July 1, 2021. This means that the basic monthly rent was below the social rent threshold when the rental contract was signed.

Most tenants in the social sector rent through a housing corporation. For them, the subsidy is paid directly to the housing corporations, which ensure that this subsidy is fairly distributed among tenants.

There are also people who rent socially from a private landlord. They can apply for the subsidy through the website of the Northern Netherlands cooperation (SNN).

Second Application Round

Some tenants received the compensation in 2022. This year, more tenants are eligible for the subsidy. The area of the housing improvement subsidy (for owners) has been expanded. The tenant scheme applies to the same area, so the subsidy is reopening.

Some tenants who socially rent from private landlords did not apply for the subsidy in 2022. They can still apply between January 21 and December 31, 2025.


In September 2021, the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) promised to investigate whether tenants who rent socially from private landlords could also receive a one-time compensation. This compensation is an implementation of that promise.

Conditions and Applications

On the website of the Northern Netherlands cooperation (SNN), all conditions for the Compensation for Tenants in Groningen and North Drenthe are listed. Here, tenants can also apply for the subsidy.

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Source last updated: 21 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 21 January 2025
Source: Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties