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Statistics Netherlands | CBS
Economische gebruikswaarde natuur in  tien jaar tijd met de helft gegroeid
Source published: 20 February 2025

Economic Use Value of Nature Grown by Half in Ten Years

The use value of ecosystem services was over 15 billion euros in 2022, 50 percent more than in 2013. Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides us, such as the production of wood or food, cooling in the city, or a place in a green environment to relax. Particularly, the value of cultural ecosystem services, such as tourism and recreation in nature, increased. The benefits of ecosystem services are much higher than the costs of nature management. This is evident from the latest figures from the Natural Capital Accounts developed by CBS in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research (WUR).

Our natural environment contributes to our economy and well-being. Socio-economic use values of ecosystem services show how society utilizes nature and what benefits it brings. These use values describe only one aspect of the value of nature, namely the value that people derive from the (direct) use of nature. They do not say anything about the condition of ecosystems or about the sustainability of current use of nature.

The Natural Capital Accounts contain information about the contribution of ecosystem services to our well-being and economy, as well as data on the current physical state of ecosystems (size and quality).

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Source last updated: 20 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 20 February 2025
Source: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek