Eindhoven marks its rich history with 14 new heritage signs. These were placed on January 31 at various locations throughout the city. In total, there are now specially designed heritage signs at 59 locations in Eindhoven. Together, they tell the stories of the citys history. The signs were developed in collaboration with the Henri van Abbestichting.
Councillor Maes van Lanschot (Heritage) unveiled two of the new heritage signs on January 31. One sign is at the Catharinaplein featuring a map of “Eyndhoven” and the surrounding villages Woensel, Stratum, Gestel, and Strijp. This map was created around 1560 by the Dutch cartographer Jacob van Deventer. The other sign can be found on Kerkstraat. From 1866 to 1958, there was a synagogue designed by A. Bolsius, a student of Pierre Cuypers, who designed the Catharina Church.
Councillor Van Lanschot: “The newspapers are full every day of the future-oriented, booming Eindhoven, but the historical story, which dates back to 1232, is less known. The heritage signs tell these special stories to our residents and visitors.”
The newly added heritage signs are spread throughout Eindhoven:
- De Leeuwenkuil (near Bleekstraat)
- Oude Gracht (Woensel South)
- Stratumsedijk 17
- Mariënhage
- Boutenslaan-Oost
- Designhuis Kantongerecht
- The Stone House (along the walking path by the Dommel at Kanaalstraat)
- Main Stage Dynamo (at airbase Welschap)
- ’t Silveren Seepaerd (Stationsplein)
- Austrian houses (Bezuidenhoutseweg at the Philips-de Jongh walking park)
- Constant Rebecque Barracks (on Oirschotsedijk)
- The Bunker Tower
- Map of Jacob van Deventer (Catharinaplein)
- Synagogue (Kerkstraat)
Implementation Agenda Heritage
The Implementation Agenda Heritage states that new heritage signs will be placed every year from 2023 to 2026. Special attention is given to raising awareness of (disappeared or not visible) heritage: both built heritage, cultural landscape (landscape shaped under human influence), and archaeology. In recent years, we have designated much heritage from the reconstruction period (1945-1965). The new heritage signs can also be found at reconstruction architecture: Designhuis Kantongerecht, Boutenslaan-Oost, the bunker, and the Austrian houses.
An overview of all heritage signs in Eindhoven can be found at eindhoven.nl/erfgoed* and on a map at the Heritage House.
* The new locations will be added to the overview map in week 6 or 7