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Infrastructure and Water Management
Plannen tegen drinkwatertekort 2030
Source published: 13 January 2025

Plans Against Drinking Water Shortage 2030

Authorities and water companies aim to implement actions to prevent a drinking water shortage in 2030 by identifying water extraction locations and simplifying permits.

Minister Barry Madlener (Infrastructure and Water Management) sends the Action Program Availability of Drinking Water Sources 2023 – 2030 to the House of Representatives today. This action program was prepared by the Interprovincial Consultation (IPO) and the Association of Water Companies in the Netherlands (Vewin), in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

Minister Madlener: “We all know our country as a place with plenty of water. It is inexplicable that the RIVM has to conclude that a drinking water shortage will occur in 2030 if we take no action. Therefore, we will do something about it. I am very proud of all involved who have agreed to actions to ensure sufficient drinking water in 2030. These are not easy choices: when a province designates an area for water extraction, it imposes restrictions on other users. Despite the significant importance of drinking water, this is always a tough decision.”

Various Actions

The action program includes action plans for 14 regions and various cross-regional actions. The regional plans involve expanding certain extractions or establishing new sources from groundwater or surface water, depending on local needs. For instance, Brabant Water is exploring the extraction of brackish groundwater, while Vitens considers using the IJssel to supply water to the Achterhoek.

As for cross-regional actions, the government will look into speeding up obligatory procedures for drinking water projects laid down in the Housing Act and the Environmental Act. Furthermore, IPO, Vewin, and water managers will ensure effective knowledge sharing by establishing platforms for discussing national issues.

Preventing Drinking Water Shortage

In April 2023, the RIVM stated that an additional 100 million cubic meters of drinking water per year will be needed by 2030 to ensure water supply. This action program aims to ramp up drinking water production in the coming years to ensure enough water is available in 2030.

The RIVM is currently conducting a study on drinking water needs after 2030 on behalf of the government. This research will be published next year, clarifying what further actions may be necessary. Some initiatives in the current action program will also affect the period after 2030.

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Source last updated: 12 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 13 January 2025
Source: Infrastructuur en Waterstaat