The ministerial committee on Economy and Nature Restoration aims to quickly develop a program to help the Netherlands overcome the nitrogen crisis and provide perspective for sectors affected by court rulings. This will be achieved by 1) investigating what is possible in the permit process, 2) establishing a program of measures for guaranteed reduction of nitrogen emissions and nature restoration, 3) mapping the impact of the retroactive effect from the Council of State ruling and providing solutions, 4) lobbying towards Brussels and EU legislation.
The following officials are members of the committee:
- The Prime Minister (chair);
- The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Nature;
- The State Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Nature;
- The Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management;
- The Minister of Housing and Spatial Planning;
- The Minister of Economic Affairs;
- The Minister of Climate and Green Growth;
- The Minister of Defence;
- The State Secretary for Defence;
- The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment;
- The Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations; and
- The Minister of Finance.