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Wetsvoorstel afschaffen tegemoetkoming arbeidsongeschikten in internetconsultatie.
Source published: 30 January 2025

Bill to abolish compensation for the disabled in internet consultation.

Today, the bill to abolish compensation for the disabled is open for internet consultation. The bill follows from the framework agreement in which it was agreed that the compensation for higher costs due to chronic illness or disability will be abolished by 2027. At the same time, by lowering the deductible in healthcare, the cabinet aims to simplify support for chronically ill and disabled individuals.

Currently, someone entitled to a disability benefit under the Disability Insurance Act (WAO), the Work and Income according to Labor Capacity Act (WIA), the Self-Employed Disability Insurance Act (WAZ), and the Young Disabled Persons Act (Wajong) (and in the case of WAO and WAZ: who is at least 35% disabled) receives compensation for the disabled.

Chronically ill non-benefit recipients are not entitled to the compensation. According to the cabinet, this inequality is difficult to explain. By lowering the deductible for everyone, this inequality will be abolished.

Responses to the bill can be made until February 27 at internetconsultatie.nl.

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Source last updated: 30 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 30 January 2025
Source: Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid