In the 1-kilometer zone around the infected farm, there are no other poultry farms. In the 3-kilometer zone, there are 3 other farms being screened for avian influenza by the NVWA. In the 10-kilometer zone, there are 14 poultry farms, which are under a transport ban.
Transport Ban
The transport ban applies to all birds and eggs from locations with birds. It also includes manure and used bedding from these locations. Additionally, there are restrictions on hunting, particularly prohibiting hunting ducks in the affected area. Check the current infections and measures in the Animal Disease Viewer from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).
National Measures
National measures are still in effect, including a ban on visiting places with at-risk birds. At-risk birds include poultry, waterfowl, and waders.
In certain regions, including the region of the infected facility, a housing and shielding obligation remains in place. Commercially kept birds must be brought indoors, except for pheasants, ornamental waterfowl, and waders. Non-commercial at-risk birds are also required to be shielded. More information can be found on the NVWA website. There is also a ban on displaying poultry.
Tracing Investigation
A tracing investigation is being conducted regarding the infection at this location in Ried to identify risky contacts. If necessary, additional measures will be taken, which will be communicated through this press release and the online channels of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality (LNV).