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Eerste urgente problemen bij Selibon Lagun opgelost
Source published: 20 January 2025

First Urgent Problems at Selibon Lagun Resolved

The first urgent issues regarding safety and waste storage at Selibon Lagun have been resolved. The broken asbestos containers have been repaired, and solutions for biomedical waste and slaughter waste have been found. The fencing of the waste center is completed, and security has been enhanced.

In November, the acting Rijksvertegenwoordiger (wRv) took the initiative to address the concerning situation at Selibon Lagun.

Asbestos Waste

According to plan, the 19 broken asbestos containers have been repaired. They are located on a secured site and equipped with locks. New asbestos waste is temporarily stored in new containers until a permanent solution for processing asbestos is found. The amount of storage capacity needed for asbestos waste is determined in close collaboration with the public body Bonaire (OLB) and Selibon, due to OLBs long-term waste management responsibilities.

Slaughter Waste

As of January 1, 2025, new work instructions for the proper processing of slaughter waste are in effect. Since the incinerator is not operational, slaughter waste can be buried. This is done under strict regulations regarding packaging, depth, covering, and registration of the location on the site.

Biomedical Waste

Two new cooling containers are also being ordered for the storage of biomedical waste before it is processed further. These containers will be placed next to the (inactive) incinerator, on an (existing) concrete foundation and fenced in. The electrical installation will be modified to supply power to the two cooling containers. Depending on the delivery time of the containers and the processing time of the inspection of the installation (by WEB), the containers will be put into use by the end of February or early March.

The options for disposal and processing of the 9 already present containers with uncooled biomedical waste are currently being investigated. Transport and processing to the Netherlands or Aruba are the most promising options.


Security at and around Selibon Lagun has been intensified 24/7 and will continue. In addition to surveillance cameras and patrols, security personnel also check the entrance. The entire waste center (including the recycling street, sorting stations, cardboard storage, incineration facilities, waste oil station, and collection of small chemical waste) is equipped with proper fencing. There are still 4 unofficial access roads around the landfill. Access gates will be installed here.


The wRv has engaged a renowned Dutch engineering firm to assist in the process and assessment of Selibons permit application from 2022.

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Source last updated: 20 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 20 January 2025
Source: Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties