Rotterdam is opening a community center for the deaf and hard of hearing, especially for those who are suddenly or gradually deafened. Loneliness is a significant issue for our target group.
When Annemieke Ceton first attended a meeting of the Plots- en Laatdoven foundation, it felt like a warm bath. This is a common experience for other suddenly and gradually deafened individuals who come into contact with the foundation. We are all different, but we understand each other. Nothing needs to be explained.
Annemieke became suddenly deaf almost 20 years ago after a middle ear infection led to meningitis. When she woke up from a coma two weeks later, she couldnt hear. My family could only communicate with me by writing things down. It was very lonely.
She was told nothing could be done about her deafness. They said, just learn sign language. Later, it turned out more was possible. Annemieke now has two cochlear implants – call them artificial ears – that allow her to hear in an artificial way.
Top Sport
Thanks to her implants, Annemieke is not completely deaf, but hard of hearing. People dont initially notice this about me. For example, if Im searching for something in my bag at the checkout and someone says something to me, I wont hear it. Sometimes, she doesnt respond. Or she gives an answer that doesnt fit. People might sometimes think: what a strange person.
She calls it top sport. If youre deaf or hard of hearing, youre constantly trying to catch as much as possible. To not miss anything. Other suddenly and gradually deafened people understand this like no other. Thats why the Plots- en Laatdoven foundation - of which Annemieke has been chair since March - is so important to her.
One of the foundations missions is to open community centers in as many places as possible, where the deaf and hard of hearing can meet to exchange experiences. Very important, says Annemieke. Because loneliness is a significant issue for our target group.
Meeting Place
Rotterdam is also getting such a meeting place: on Saturday, February 1st, the community center at Kipstraat 37 (in Huis van de Wijk De Kip) will open its doors. From then on, the center will be open every first Saturday of the month, between 10:00 and 12:30.
The deaf, hard of hearing - especially the suddenly and gradually deafened - and their families are welcome. Sign language interpreters and note-takers - who convert spoken language into text - will be present at every meeting. We want to be a place where everyone feels welcome and can be themselves.
Official Opening
Want to know more? Visit The official opening is on Saturday, February 1st at 11:00 am in Huis van de Wijk de Kip, at Kipstraat 37.
For more information about this community center, visit the WMO Radar website.