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Municipality of Utrecht
Gemeente pakt regie over ondergrond van Utrecht
Source published: 30 January 2025

Municipality takes control over Utrechts underground

The underground of Utrecht is in danger of becoming overcrowded. Therefore, the Municipality of Utrecht presents the first Utrecht Policy Paper on the Underground, taking control over the soil and its quality. The municipality is developing a 3D model of the underground and focuses on bundling cables and pipelines to save space.

Alderman Susanne Schilderman (Public Space): We need the underground for everything we do above ground. However, we have far fewer rules and guidelines for using space underground than above ground. Moreover, we do not always know exactly where cables or pipelines are located. With this policy paper, we take control and ensure that the quality of the underground is maintained and that there is space for important matters such as heat networks, trees, stormwater drainage, and electrical cables.

3D Model: a look into Utrechts underground
With the Policy Paper on the Underground, the municipality will develop rules for the use of the underground, for example for network operators and contractors. The municipality will establish guidelines for bundling cables and pipelines so that they lie together instead of scattered through the streets. Additionally, the municipality is working on a 3D model of the underground. This model shows what is beneath the ground, allowing for better consideration in future plans.

The 3D model being developed by the municipality

Future challenges
Maintaining space underground is also essential for the future of the city. Alderman Schilderman: We have many ambitions for the city, where the underground plays a crucial role. For example, we want to move away from natural gas, for which heat networks or geothermal systems must be installed. We must also ensure sufficient space for water storage as the climate changes and more intense rainstorms hit the city. Additionally, we want to green the city, for example with trees. This is already a challenge above ground, but there is also less space underground for trees to develop their roots properly. It is therefore high time to organize the underground and come up with clear rules and plans.

The consultation period for the Policy Paper on the Underground runs from 3 February to 16 March 2025. After the consultation period, the policy paper will be presented to the city council before the summer.

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Source last updated: 30 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 30 January 2025
Source: Gemeente Utrecht