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Herstel van post-covid vaak binnen een jaar, maar soms jarenlang klachten
Source published: 10 March 2025

Recovery from post-COVID often within a year, but sometimes complaints for years

New figures show that about three-quarters of recovered youth and adults recovered from their post-COVID complaints within the first twelve months after the onset of these complaints. Most recovery from post-COVID occurs within six months. Furthermore, two percent of youth and four percent of adults with post-COVID complaints indicate that they only recovered after more than three years. This is evidenced by the fourteenth quarterly survey (December 2024) of the Health Research Network in Disasters (GOR).

In this quarterly survey, participants were asked if they suffer from post-COVID complaints. Among the group of youth reporting post-COVID complaints, the share indicating they were severely limited in daily life increased from one-fifth to one-quarter. Among adults, this group rose from one-quarter to nearly one-third. These figures align with the increase in the share of post-COVID patients who have long-lasting complaints. Many of them were infected earlier in the pandemic. The latest results also seem to suggest that currently, fewer people are contracting post-COVID.

Fewer people contracting post-COVID

In December 2023, 1.1 percent of youth reported contracting post-COVID in the six months prior to filling out the questionnaire. In June 2024, this was only 0.4 percent, and this round (December 2024) it is 0.3 percent. Among adults, 0.4 percent reported contracting post-COVID in December 2023 in the six months prior, 0.1 percent in June 2024, and 0.06 percent in December 2024.

Some people continue to experience complaints after a corona infection, such as fatigue, concentration problems, shortness of breath, headaches, and dizziness. If this lasts longer than 3 months, it is called post-COVID, also known as long COVID. More information about the complaints and ways to get help can be found at Post-COVID from the Government of the Netherlands (external link).


Research program on the effects of the corona crisis on health

For five years (2021-2025), the GOR Network collects information on the effects of the corona pandemic on the health and happiness of people in the Netherlands. This research program is called the Integrated Health Monitor COVID-19. The monitor shows what mental and physical health is at a certain moment in the Netherlands and how it changes over time. Policymakers can develop better policies with this current knowledge. Regular discussions also take place with, among others, experts, and professionals in health and education.

The GOR Network consists of the RIVM, local GGD Municipal Health Service (Municipal Health Service)s, GGD GHOR Nederland Municipal / Community Health Service – Medical Emergency Organization in the Region (Municipal / Community Health Service – Medical Emergency Organization in the Region), the Nivel and ARQ National Psychotrauma Center. ZonMw Health Research Netherlands Medical Sciences (Health Research Netherlands Medical Sciences) is commissioned by the Ministry of VWS Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport (Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport) to conduct the research.

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Source last updated: 10 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 11 March 2025
Source: RIVM