From 2025, the ILT Aviation Authority will use drone detection equipment to monitor drone flights. This technology helps ensure compliance with flight plans for drone operators with permits for risky operations. It provides insights into the flying behavior of both professional and recreational drone pilots, enhancing safety in risky areas.
Deployment in High-Risk Areas
The ILT Aviation Authority has mobile and semi-permanent detection systems. These systems are deployed across the Netherlands, focusing on areas with increased air or ground risk, such as controlled airspace regions or locations hosting major events.
Use of Remote ID
The mobile system allows inspectors to see which drones are in the air, their routes, and the location of the drone operator. The system uses Remote ID, which continuously broadcasts a signal containing drone identification information. The system also uses other techniques for detection. If a drone does not broadcast a Remote ID, it is noticeable, making it easier to address violations. The detection systems have a range of 2 to 10 kilometers, depending on the environment.
Monitoring of High-Risk Locations
The semi-permanent system is used for extended monitoring of locations where flying drones is restricted or requires a permit, such as near airports or vital infrastructure. This provides insights into drone activities and helps identify potential risks.
ILT Aviation Authority Oversight
The ILT Aviation Authority oversees high-risk drone flights (specific category), including flights with heavy drones, near large groups of people, urban areas, or airports. Flights beyond the operators line of sight and those involving payload drops, such as crop spraying, also fall under this category. Such flights require a permit from the ILT Aviation Authority.