Combating food waste is an important topic within the Judicial Institutions Service (DJI). On Tuesday, February 11, it was also a topic of discussion during Queen Maximas visit to InstockMarket. As a partner of InstockMarket, DJI was also present at this visit.
The wholesaler combats waste by offering products that would otherwise be wasted. This can include fruits and vegetables with unusual shapes or sizes or products with slight packaging defects, such as a box containing 4 items instead of 5. The queen was present at this special wholesaler to learn more about how they impact the reduction of food waste.
After an extensive presentation on the causes of food waste and the solutions offered by InstockMarket, a tour followed. During the tour of the Food Rescue Center, the queen gained insight into the process of receiving, checking, repackaging, and distributing surplus goods. The visit concluded with a roundtable discussion with representatives from the supply chain, including Wolter van der Vlist, Sustainability Advisor at DJI. Wolter spoke about the collaboration with InstockMarket and its impact. Thanks to the collaboration, we can offer more variety in daily food within our 26 locations. Products that would otherwise be wasted are given a valuable purpose. Since the collaboration, over 85,000 kilos of products have been saved. Less waste and more variety, a win-win situation.