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Statistics Netherlands | CBS
Inflatie in februari 3,8 procent bij snelle raming
Source published: 3 March 2025

Inflation in February 3.8 Percent According to Quick Estimate

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According to the quick estimate, inflation in February was 3.8%, reports CBS. This estimate is based on incomplete source data. In January, inflation was 3.3%.

Inflation is measured monthly as the change in the consumer price index (CPI) compared to the same month in the previous year. The CPI also provides insight into price developments compared to a month earlier. In the quick estimate, consumer prices in February 2025 rose by 1.1% compared to January 2025.

The regular CPI figures for February will be published on March 11.

Short-Term Price Developments

The CPI not only provides insight into the price development compared to a year ago (inflation) but also compared to the previous month. In the quick estimate, consumer prices in February 2025 increased by 1.1% compared to January 2025.

A caveat when comparing two different months in the year is that the influence of the season must be taken into account. For example, airline tickets are more expensive in holiday months than in months outside the holiday season. Prices are temporarily higher then, but this is not a structural price increase. Due to these seasonal influences, month-on-month developments are often more volatile than year-on-year developments.

Price Development of Product Groups

In the quick estimate, CBS also announces the price development of several product groups in addition to the inflation rate. These product groups are aggregates of expenditure categories on a specific theme, such as all services. On March 11, the price development of all categories in the CPI will be published.

Quick Estimate HICP

CBS publishes two different figures for inflation. One is based on the consumer price index (CPI), and one is based on the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP). The quick estimate of inflation in the Netherlands according to the HICP was 3.5% in February. In January, inflation was 3.0%.

To compare inflation between countries, EU member states calculate a consumer price index according to internationally agreed definitions and methods. Eurostat calculates the inflation for the eurozone and the European Union based on the HICP figures of all EU countries. The European Central Bank uses the HICP for monetary policy in the eurozone. Additionally, most countries also calculate their own national price index.

The main difference between the CPI and the HICP for the Netherlands is that the HICP, unlike the CPI, does not take into account the cost of living in ones own home. In the CPI, these costs are calculated based on the development of housing rents. However, this is not the only difference. These differences are further explained in a publication.

New Base Year CPI from 2026

From 2026, the CPI and the HICP will switch to a new base year, from 2015=100 to 2025=100. An update of the classification of goods and services will also be introduced, which better aligns with changed consumption patterns. Moreover, the CPI will more closely align with the HICP from 2026. It is important to know that these changes will not affect already published inflation figures. The first results according to the new series with reference year 2025 will be published in early February 2026. More information can be found in the method document The Consumer Price Index from 2026.

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Source last updated: 3 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 4 March 2025
Source: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek