Today, ahead of International Womens Day on March 8, the European Commission unveils its Roadmap for Womens Rights and presents the 2025 Report on Gender Equality. The Roadmap advances gender equality and provides a long-term vision to enhance womens rights.
The EU, a leader in gender equality, has made significant strides under the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025. Progress includes rules on pay transparency, work-life balance, gender balance on boards, and combating violence against women.
The Roadmap reaffirms the Commissions commitment to empower women and girls and achieve a gender-equal society across Europe. It guides future measures in the upcoming Gender Equality Strategy.
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stated: There is no justification for gender pay disparities or lower health standards for women. Societies treating men and women equally are better and more successful. The Roadmap shows our commitment to a gender-equal European Union.
Guiding Compass for Womens Rights
Despite initiatives under the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, progress remains uneven. The 2025 Report highlights persistent violence against women and slow progress in closing employment and pay gaps.
The Roadmap targets societal discriminatory norms to achieve:
- Freedom from gender-based violence by preventing and combating violence, ensuring support for victims.
- Highest health standards by supporting access to sexual and reproductive health and promoting gender-sensitive medical research.
- Economic empowerment and equal pay by closing pay gaps and promoting financial literacy.
- Work-life balance and care by promoting equal care responsibilities and investing in the care sector.
- Equal employment opportunities by eliminating employment gaps and harassment.
- Inclusive education by promoting gender balance in education and encouraging STEM for girls.
- Political participation by ensuring gender-balanced representation and combating sexism.
- Institutional support by ensuring gender equality infrastructures and sustainable funding.
The Commission calls for collaboration with the European Parliament, Council, Member States, and stakeholders to implement the Roadmap.
Equality between women and men has been an EU fundamental right since the 1957 Treaty of Rome. The Roadmap coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration, committing to global gender equality.
This aligns with President von der Leyens Political Guidelines for a new Gender Equality Strategy, strengthening womens rights across the EU.
The Commission also published its 2025 Gender Equality Report, highlighting legislative progress in 2024 with the first-ever Directive on combating Violence against Women. According to the 2024 Gender Equality Index, the EU scored 71 out of 100. A survey by Eurostat and EIGE revealed widespread violence against women.
The Commission funds gender equality projects through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme. A new call for proposals to prevent gender-based violence is open until May 7, 2025.
For More Information
Roadmap for Womens Rights – Principles for a gender-equal society
Annual Report on Gender Equality