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Judicial institutions service | DJI
                  Journalisten krijgen een kijkje achter de muren
Source published: 14 February 2025

Journalists Get a Look Behind the Walls

Today, the Judicial Institutions Service opened the gate of the Penitentiary Institution Vught for a group of journalists. Theres more behind this gate than meets the eye. With Journalist Day, DJI aims not only to inform but also to provide insight into the complexity of detention and the societal impact of the work within the institutions.

Today, the Judicial Institutions Service opened the gate of the Penitentiary Institution Vught for a group of journalists. Theres more behind this gate than meets the eye. With Journalist Day, DJI aims not only to inform but also to provide insight into the complexity of detention and the societal impact of the work within the institutions.

Director-General Wim Saris emphasized the importance of Journalist Day in his welcome speech: Today you get a behind-the-scenes look at PI Vught, where safety and care reinforce each other. But behind every figure and policy measure lies the hard work of thousands of employees who contribute daily to a safer Netherlands. I invite you to use this day to experience that work.

Facility Director Cees Niessen provided journalists with insights into the unique dynamics of the institution: PI Vught is an example of the balance between high risk and high care. Here, the most complex detainees and challenges come together. From maintaining the highest level of security and control in dealing with criminal leaders to guiding a detainee with severe psychiatric problems. PI Vught shows daily how versatile DJI is.

The tours took journalists past the Extra Secure Institution and the Penitentiary Psychiatric Center. Safety and care are not opposites, but actually reinforce each other, says Director of Care and Treatment Niki Kuin about the choice to show these two different regimes. By treating and stabilizing detainees, we contribute to a safer society. Care within DJI is not only a responsibility but also an investment in the future.

During the tours, journalists had the opportunity to question staff about their daily work. Additionally, Saris, Niessen, and Kuin were available for interviews, where they further discussed developments within DJI and the challenges in the field of detention and care.

DJI looks back on a successful Journalist Day and continues to commit to openness and constructive collaboration with the media.

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Source last updated: 14 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 15 February 2025
Source: Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen