January 21, 2025
Members of the parliamentary committee for Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality visited the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) on January 20. They received updates on topics such as crop protection, manure fraud, water quality, and the NVWAs operations. The delegation included members from various political parties.
The visit, initiated by the committee, was hosted by the Inspector General, Gerard Bakker, and other key directors. Discussions highlighted the NVWAs development towards an independent authority and its staffing challenges.
Pauline den Ambtman, Strategy Director, discussed the feasibility of Dutch policy ambitions and the NVWAs role relative to the Ministry of Agriculture. The agency maintains a network with EU counterparts.
Haddon Voortman led a discussion on issues like fertilizer use and crop protection, emphasizing robust and enforceable legislation.
Irma Kamst addressed manure fraud, noting manipulation across multiple areas. Improved policies and sharing fraud signals between sectors were suggested.
Wiebe Lammers and Guido de Mol discussed camera surveillance in slaughterhouses, with new legislation being prepared to mandate digital systems.
Committee chair Gert-Jan Oplaat highlighted the importance of a well-functioning NVWA for the Netherlands export position.