Met het cijfer van december is ook het jaarcijfer bekend. In 2024 lag de prijs voor een bestaande koopwoning gemiddeld 8,7 procent hoger dan in 2023.
Prices of existing homes fell by 0.7 percent compared to November
Compared to November, the price index of existing homes in December fell by 0.7 percent. The prices of existing homes peaked in July 2022. After that, the trend reversed and the price index fell for some time. However, since June 2023, the trend has been rising again. In December 2024, prices were on average 7.6 percent higher than the previous peak in July 2022.
More transactions of existing homes in December
The Kadaster announced that it registered 20,921 housing transactions in December. This is nearly 7 percent more than a year earlier. In 2024, 203,555 homes were sold, nearly 12 percent more than in 2023.
In December, the average transaction price for an existing home was 455,512 euros. Note that for determining price developments of existing homes, the transaction price is not used, but the price index is. The price index calculation takes quality differences between homes into account. The average transaction price does not include quality adjustments.