In 2024, the population grew less strongly than in 2023 (+132 thousand) and 2022 (+221 thousand). This was mainly due to lower immigration and higher emigration: in 2024, 314,000 people immigrated (22,000 fewer than in 2023), and 205,000 emigrated (7,000 more). In 2022, immigration peaked due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees.
A growth of more than 100,000 people is not just something of recent years: between 1950 and 2000, the Dutch population grew by an average of 118,000 people per year. During that period, growth was mainly due to natural increase: many more babies were born than people died. The migration balance (immigration minus emigration) played a smaller role and rarely exceeded 50,000. From the mid-1960s and again after 2000, the number of births declined, while deaths increased due to aging. Since 2022, more people die each year than are born. Now, the population growth is entirely due to migration: more people are coming to the Netherlands than are emigrating. Especially since 2014, the migration balance has increased significantly.
Statistics Netherlands | CBS

Source published: 30 January 2025