Almost every Rotterdammer knows it: the Maashaven. It is the largest harbor in our inner city that is still in use. Part of this old inner harbor will transform into a city park in the coming years, just as it happened at the Rijnhaven.
The Maashaven was dug between 1895 and 1905 - by hand! Before that, the area was an expansive polderland with dikes, and the villages of Katendrecht and Charlois.
700 Houses Demolished
Since the opening of the Nieuwe Waterweg (1872), the Rotterdam harbor had expanded significantly, but it wanted more. After Parkhaven (1890) and Rijnhaven (1895), the city council aimed for the largest harbor to date: Maashaven.
When Charlois was annexed by Rotterdam in 1895, the city council immediately approved the plans for this new harbor. Many landowners around Charlois were bought out, and no less than 700 houses in Katendrecht (already part of Rotterdam since 1874) were demolished to dig the new harbor. This displaced 3,500 people. The old village of Katendrecht became a peninsula, wedged between the Rijnhaven and the Maashaven.
A new urban expansion plan was designed for the southern side of the Maashaven. On March 19, 1900, the first spade went into the ground, and the work was completed in 1905.
Along the quays of the Maashaven, there used to be the municipal waste incineration and large silos of grain companies and storage places. The old grain silo from 1911 is perhaps the most famous: Rotterdammers know it as the Maassilo.
Nelson Mandelapark
In 2021, the plan was presented to partially fill the former harbor and turn it into a park. The parks name was not chosen lightly. In 2013, Nelson Mandela, the South African advocate for the abolition of apartheid, passed away. In 2014, the city council asked the college to name a Rotterdam street, square, or park after him. A suitable place was found in this new park in the Maashaven. With this, Rotterdam shows appreciation for Nelson Mandela and remembers him in our city. Mandelas fight for equal rights is a great inspiration for many Rotterdammers.
A Park for Everyone
When the plan for the park was ready in early 2022, the municipality asked residents, businesses, young people, and gym owners: What will you do in the park? and What do you need for this? About 900 people responded. Many of these wishes and ideas have been incorporated into the plan for the new park. There will be plenty of space to relax and play, as well as to meet and exercise. There will be hills, lawns, fountains, and large trees. A square will be created in front of the Maassilo, where events can also be held.
Maashaven is easily accessible by metro, to the station of the same name. Tram 2 stops next to it, and several buses run there. Surrounding the Maashaven are 4 residential neighborhoods: Afrikaanderwijk, Bloemhof, Tarwewijk, and Katendrecht.
Construction Work
The bottom of the Maashaven has recently been leveled. The filling will start early next year. If everything goes according to plan, the park will open in 2028. Read more on the page Nelson Mandelapark.
City Newspaper
This article appears in the latest City Newspaper, a publication of the Municipality of Rotterdam. The City Newspaper has existed since 1976 and contains 3 city and 2 district pages. It is published 23 times a year and appears every 2 weeks on Thursday as an insert in the free door-to-door newspapers De Havenloods, Nieuwsblad Rozenburg, and Nieuwsblad Hoek van Holland. Total circulation: almost 300,000.
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