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Meer betaalbare en duurzame woningen in Den Haag
Source published: 18 February 2025

More Affordable and Sustainable Housing in The Hague

For 2025, housing corporations, tenant organizations, and the municipality of The Hague have made new agreements regarding the housing policy in the city.

More Affordable and Sustainable Housing in The Hague

For 2025, housing corporations, tenant organizations, and the municipality of The Hague have made new agreements regarding the housing policy in the city. The housing partners have agreed to build 1,450 new social rental homes. Additionally, nearly 2,000 homes with energy labels E/F/G will be made more sustainable. Another 2,900 homes will receive solar panels. This way, we are making The Hague a place where people can live affordably and comfortably. The agreements are valid until the end of 2025, after which multi-year agreements will follow in line with the Housing Vision 2040.

The housing market in The Hague is under pressure. There is a shortage of homes, prices are rising, and energy costs are high. It is difficult for tenants to find suitable housing. According to Alderman Martijn Balster (Housing, Neighborhoods, Welfare, and Southwest), we are taking an important step in the right direction with our housing partners to tackle the housing shortage. “With this package of agreements, we aim for more affordable and sustainable homes where people want to live. And that is important, because comfortable living is not just about the physical living space, but also about a pleasant living environment.

A very large number of social rental homes will be under construction in 2025. Agreements have also been made about improving the livability in neighborhoods and districts. The corporations, tenant organizations, and the municipality support so-called neighborhood rooms to keep residential complexes and neighborhoods clean and safe. There is also assistance for tenants who have difficulty paying rent, energy costs, or other housing expenses.

The energy transition is one of the most urgent tasks for our city”, says Alderman Arjen Kapteijns (Energy Transition, Mobility, and Resources). “This year, we are taking another important step by addressing more homes with an EFG-label. We also continue to invest in sustainability and insulation, so more people benefit from lower energy costs and a comfortable home. Together with the housing corporations, we ensure that the energy bill decreases and tenants can live in a nice, sustainable, and affordable house.

The performance agreements have been made with Arcade, DUWO, Haag Wonen, Hof Wonen, Staedion, WoonInvest, and Woonzorg Nederland and their tenant organizations. Mooiland, Nester, Rijswijk Wonen, Vidomes, and Wassenaarsche Bouwstichting are also participating. The municipality and the above-mentioned corporations are working intensively together to implement the agreements as quickly and effectively as possible this year. 

Gijsbert van Herk, Chairman of the Board Staedion: “With the performance agreements for 2025, the corporations and the municipality commit themselves to strong ambitions to build new social rental homes, make existing homes more sustainable, and strengthen the livability of neighborhoods. We are committed to ensuring that residents can live affordably and comfortably. And despite the high housing shortage, home seekers can find a home in the long term. Furthermore, we expect the municipality to contribute to accelerating the procedures for building new homes and making existing homes more sustainable, and to work decisively with us in this.

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Source last updated: 18 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 19 February 2025
Source: Gemeente Den Haag