Of all accommodation facilities, hotels received the most guests in 2024 (33.4 million), 4% more than a year earlier. Holiday parks saw the number of guests increase by about 9% to 11.4 million. Campsites and group accommodations received 5.2 and 1.6 million guests, respectively, about the same as a year earlier.
Compared to 2023, the number of foreign guests staying in hotels increased by 4%. The number of domestic guests showed a similar increase. In recreational accommodations (campsites, holiday parks, and group accommodations), the number of foreign guests grew by 8% in 2024, slightly more than the number of Dutch guests. The number of Dutch guests visiting campsites showed a 2% decrease in 2024. Due to an increase in foreign guests, the total number of guests at campsites grew slightly, by almost 1%. Over the last three years, the number of foreign camping guests increased, but the number of domestic guests decreased slightly.