The Commission presents its roadmap for a prosperous European agricultural sector
Today, the Commission unveils its vision for agriculture and food, an ambitious roadmap for the future of agriculture in Europe. This roadmap leads to an attractive, competitive, and forward-looking agri-food system, fair for current and future generations of farmers.
Simplifying policies and promoting innovation and digitalization are essential. Later in 2025, the Commission will propose a package of measures to simplify current agricultural legislation and develop an EU digital strategy for agriculture.
The vision focuses on four priorities: attractiveness, competitiveness, future resilience, and fair living and working conditions in rural areas.
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, stated: «Our farmers are crucial for the EUs food production. Thanks to their hard work, we have safe and quality food. However, they face challenges like global competition and climate change. Thats why we propose a strategy that makes agriculture more attractive, resilient, and sustainable.»
More details in our press release and questions and answers.
(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel: +32 2 295 45 78; Thérèse Lerebours- Tel: +32 2 296 33 03)
The Commission welcomes provisional agreement on textile circularity and food waste reduction
The Commission welcomes the provisional agreement between the European Parliament and the Council on the revision of the Waste Directive. This directive promotes a circular economy in the EU by fostering innovation and sustainable practices.
The Parliament and the Council must formally adopt the revised directive before it can enter into force, 20 days after its publication in the EU Official Journal. Member states must transpose the directive into national legislation within 20 months.
More information on the provisional agreement on the Waste Directive revision is available in our press release.
(For more information: Maciej Berestecki: +32 2 296 64 83; Eva Hrncirova: +32 2 298 84 33)
The Commission publishes results of Ship Recycling Regulations evaluation and updates its European List of ship recycling facilities
The results of the evaluation of the EU Ship Recycling Regulation, published today by the Commission, show that the regulations objectives have been achieved, with higher environmental and social standards as a result. All large sea-going vessels under an EU flag must use the European list of ship recycling facilities.
The regulations effectiveness is undermined by shipowners changing ships flags before recycling. Additional efforts are needed for the quality of hazardous materials inventories. The Commission will continue to work with member states and stakeholders to better enforce the regulation.
Additionally, the Commission updated the European list of ship recycling facilities. The list now includes 43 facilities, including 21 yards in the EU, seven in Norway, 11 in Turkey, three in the United Kingdom, and one in the United States.
More information on the results of the evaluation and updated list is available online.
(For more information: +32 2 296 64 83; Maëlys Dreux: +32 2 295 46 73)
The Commission approves the acquisition of Westcoast UK Ireland France by ALSO
The European Commission has approved the acquisition of Westcoast Holdco Limited by ALSO Holding AG.
The transaction pertains to the wholesale distribution of printing supplies. The Commission concluded that the acquisition does not raise competition concerns due to its limited market impact.
More information is available on the Commissions competition website and in the public register under case number M.11715.
(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel: +32 2 295 62 98; Sara Simonini - Tel: +32 2 298 33 67)
Executive Vice-President Séjourné hosts a roundtable with the European automotive sector
Today, Executive Vice-President Stéphane Séjourné hosts a roundtable as part of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Automotive Industry, launched by President von der Leyen on 30 January 2025. The meeting focuses on strengthening the automotive industrial value chain in Europe.
The roundtable comprises two sessions: the first addresses the battery value chain, and the second focuses on the broader supply chain and component manufacturing in Europe.
The discussion aims to find solutions to secure growth for European automotive industries, boost car production in Europe, and maintain climate objectives.
The outcome will inform the EU Industrial Action Plan for the automotive sector, under Commissioner Tzitzikostas.
The participants list is available online.
(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Federica Miccoli — Tel.: + 32 2 295 83 00)
Commissioner Roswall participates in the first meeting of the Ecodesign Forum
Today, Commissioner Roswall participates in the first meeting of the expert group on ecodesign of sustainable products and energy labeling in Brussels.
During this meeting, the Forum will discuss the first regulation on ecodesign of sustainable products and the preparation of legal actions regarding the destruction of unsold consumer goods.
More information on the Ecodesign Forum is available online. Commissioner Roswalls speech will also be available online.
(For more information: Maciej Berestecki: +32 2 296 64 83; Maëlys Dreux: +32 2 295 46 73)
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