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Municipality of Amsterdam
Minder vakantieverhuur in Centrum en De Pijp
Source published: 11 March 2025

Less Vacation Rental in the City Center and De Pijp

Residents of the City Center and De Pijp are experiencing nuisance from tourists staying in their neighborhoods. To improve livability, the city council wants to halve the number of nights for vacation rentals from 30 to 15 per year. This would apply to the entire City Center district and the neighborhoods of Nieuwe Pijp and Oude Pijp.

The measure is part of the ‘escalation ladder for vacation rentals’. By vacation rentals, we mean that tourists stay in a residence while the resident is away. The escalation ladder aims to clearly show which steps the council intends to take to address the nuisance caused by vacation rentals in a neighborhood-focused manner and to improve livability in neighborhoods.

Step by step less nuisance

The first measure of the escalation ladder is to halve the number of allowed rental nights. If that is not sufficient, the municipality can temporarily ban vacation rentals in certain neighborhoods for 3 years. The council monitors the situation and can relax or reverse regulations if the balance in a neighborhood is restored.

Stricter rules for vacation rentals

In recent years, the rules for vacation rentals have already been tightened. In 2014, we reduced the number of rental days from 60 to 30 per year. Additionally, there are extra obligations for landlords: they must register, apply for a permit, and report their rental.

Decision: end of 2025

The council will first discuss the implementation of the escalation ladder for vacation rentals with interest organizations. Afterwards, residents and other stakeholders can respond to the proposal. This will happen just before summer as part of the consultation on the Housing Regulation. No later than December 2025, the municipal council will make a decision. If approved, the new rules will take effect from April 2026.

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Source last updated: 11 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 12 March 2025
Source: Gemeente Amsterdam