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Municipality of Almere
Monique van der Plas: Groene Speld, een symbool voor een groene en gezonde stad
Source published: 4 March 2025

Monique van der Plas: Green Pin, a symbol for a green and healthy city

In a recent conversation with Monique van der Plas, program manager at the Municipality of Almere, we discussed her work in establishing the Green Pin. The Green Pin has become an important symbol for valuing projects that contribute to a green and healthy city. Monique, who started the idea for the Green Pin in 2014, is proud of what it has achieved so far.

From left to right: Lady Growing Green, Monique van der Plas, and Alderman Jesse Luijendijk, after the pin award ceremony and the opening of the circular bench in Almeerderhout.

In a recent conversation with Monique van der Plas, program manager at the Municipality of Almere, we discussed her work in establishing the Green Pin. The Green Pin has become an important symbol for valuing projects that contribute to a green and healthy city. Monique, who started the idea for the Green Pin in 2014, is proud of what it has achieved so far.

From idea to movement

Monique explains: The idea for the Green Pin came because we wanted to make the various green and healthy projects in Almere more visible. As a area manager in Almere Buiten, I saw many projects contributing to a greener and more sustainable city. I wanted to showcase these projects and involve residents and organizations in the development of the city.

In 2014, the idea for the Green Pin was conceived. It was presented under the name ‘Growing Green Cities’ as part of the preparations for Floriade. The idea was simple: give recognition to people who are committed to a green and healthy city and inspire others to participate. The Green Pin became the symbol of this recognition.

The impact of the Green Pin

What started as a small idea has now grown into a movement that has inspired many residents of Almere. Monique explains: The Green Pin has helped bring important topics such as climate, nature, sustainability, and food security closer to people. It makes large global issues concrete, such as the importance of local food chains or greening your own garden.

The Green Pin not only provides recognition but also a space for residents and entrepreneurs to share their projects and inspire others. By making visible what is already happening, it becomes easier to invite others to participate. It also fosters more connection, says Monique. People come together, get to know each other, and share knowledge. It strengthens the community.

Personal involvement

Monique herself has also received the Green Pin for her work on the Giga Gieter, a project where plastic waste was turned into a large green watering can as a piece of art. It was a big surprise to receive the Green Pin myself, she says. It is always nice to appreciate others, but it was very special to receive that recognition myself.

The future of the Green Pin

After ten years, Monique is passing the baton. It is time for new energy, she says. The Green Pin has had a lot of positive influence, and I hope this movement continues to grow. Almere has so much creativity, I am sure many more beautiful projects will come.

Monique remains involved in the development of the city and hopes that the Green Pin will continue to contribute to a greener city in the future. The relationship between the municipality and the residents is very important. I hope that the Green Pin continues to help strengthen that bond and that we continue to work together for a greener and healthier city.

What advice would you give to future Green Pin holders?

Monique has an important message for current and future Green Pin holders: Keep doing what makes you happy and where your heart lies. You are participating in something bigger than yourself, and you are making a difference in your own environment. Stay connected with each other, keep inspiring one another, and help make the movement bigger and more beautiful!

Green Pin continues!

Monique is stepping away from her work on the Green Pin, but the Green Pin will continue! We will keep recognizing people, organizations, and entrepreneurs who are committed to a green and healthy Almere. Do you know someone who deserves a Green Pin? Nominate them! We organize an award ceremony twice a year and collect all nominations in the weeks prior.

Do you know someone who is making a special contribution to a green and healthy city? Someone who has not received a Green Pin before? Please submit their name by Friday, March 21. Send an email with the name of the person and why they deserve a Green Pin to greenandhealthy@almere.nl.

For more information about the Green Pin.


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Source last updated: 4 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 5 March 2025
Source: Gemeente Almere