Amsterdam is charting a new course in dealing with individuals exhibiting criminal behavior and complex issues. We are adjusting the intake process of the approach to ensure we identify those who truly benefit from it. With this new approach, we aim to reduce crime and provide perspective. The coming year will serve as a transition period.
The Top600 approach focuses on offenders who have been convicted multiple times for serious crimes such as violence, drug offenses, robberies, and possession of weapons. These individuals often face complex issues that contribute to their criminal behavior. By collaborating intensively with safety partners and care agencies and taking the lead, we aim to get them on the right path.
Stricter Intake and Exit Criteria
We are modifying the intake process so that we have a clear picture of the individuals who will truly benefit from the intensive approach. For others, we will look into what alternative support in terms of punishment, care, and social assistance is appropriate. This helps make the right choices and deploy scarce resources more effectively.
Exit will be more flexible through regular assessments. This way, no one remains in the program longer than necessary. We ensure that individuals exiting receive good aftercare.
Collaboration with Partners
The Top600 approach, the Safe Alternative approach, and the Growth Path approach will be merged next year and will continue under one new name. This way, we aim to provide appropriate help and more effective results for different target groups.
Housing and Care
A recurring issue is the availability of care and housing. Due to the housing crisis and waiting lists in care, improvements are difficult. We will engage in discussions with the national government and continue to seek solutions.
Transition Year 2025
The new approach will be further developed in the coming months. We expect to implement the new approach in 2026. In 2025, the current approaches will continue in their present form.
The Amsterdam city council will discuss the main lines of the approach in March 2025.