The parking spaces at several Amsterdam sports parks and cemeteries are often very busy. Therefore, we want to introduce increasing parking fees at those locations. This aims to combat parking nuisance and unsafe situations. If the municipal council agrees to the proposal, the new parking fees will apply from November 17, 2025.
The first 3 hours you can park at some sports fields and cemeteries at a favorable rate. After that, parking becomes more expensive. For locations where this is implemented, there are 2 parking rates:
- Monday to Saturday, 09:00 - 19:00 hours: first 3 hours € 0.10 per hour, thereafter € 1.60 per hour.
This applies at the sports parks Melkweg, Oostzanerwerf, Tuindorp Oostzaan, Kadoelen, Friendship, De Weeren, Durgerdam, Schellingwoude, and Bijlmer. - Monday to Saturday, 09:00 - 21:00 hours: first 3 hours € 1.60 per hour, thereafter € 3.90 per hour.
This applies at the cemetery Sint Barbara and the sports parks Transformatorweg, Middenmeer, Voorland, and Drieburg.
Why this change?
In the past, parking at sports fields and cemeteries was cheap: for € 0.10 per hour you could park for several hours. Those who parked longer than the allowed time risked a parking ticket.
In 2022, the Supreme Court ruled that municipalities could no longer issue tickets if visitors parked longer than the allowed time. Therefore, the municipality removed this parking duration limitation. At some sports fields, the favorable low parking rate remained. This led to full parking spaces and unsafe situations: visitors from adjacent areas also used these spots.
With the new rates, the municipality aims to find a balance. Visitors can still park cheaply thanks to the low starting rate, but the increasing rate discourages long parking. This way, the locations remain accessible without becoming too crowded.