On January 14, several Senate committees discussed ongoing legislative proposals. Here is a selection of those meetings.
On Tuesday, January 14, several permanent Senate committees discussed ongoing bills. A summary of these committee meetings is provided below. A complete overview can be found here.
On January 14, various Senate committees discussed the further handling of budgets adopted by the House of Representatives on December 12. See the overview of committee meetings for which budgets these are. On January 21, committees will discuss the remaining budgets. In total, committees have already decided to ask questions about 24 budgets in late December. They also decided to vote on all budgets together.
Hammer Items
- The Infrastructure and Water Management/Public Housing and Spatial Planning (I&W/VRO) committee discussed the Amendment of the budget statements Infrastructure and Water Management 2024 (Autumn Memorandum). The committee decided that the House could handle the bill as a hammer item (36625 XII).
- The committees for Immigration & Asylum / Justice and Home Affairs Council (I&A/JBZ) and for Justice and Security (J&V) discussed the Amendment budget statements Justice and Security 2024 (Autumn Memorandum). The committees are submitting a blank report so that the House can handle the bill as a hammer item.
The Justice and Security (J&V) committee discussed the Timmermans and Bikker Initiative Proposal Introduction of the discriminatory intent as a ground for aggravating punishment. The committee reports the initiative proposal for plenary discussion.
Written Input
Before a bill is ready for plenary discussion, committees consult with ministers and secretaries of state, usually by asking written questions. Several committees have provided input for such consultations. Here is a selection:
- The Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Development Cooperation (BDO) committee discussed the Diederik van Dijk Initiative Proposal, Van der Wal, Boswijk, Dassen, Olger van Dijk, Paternotte, Eerdmans and Ceder Act on Financial Defense Obligations. The committee will provide input for the report on February 4, 2025.
- The Justice and Security (J&V) committee discussed the proposal Act Strengthening Copyright Contracts Law. Input for the report was provided by the D66 faction (Dittrich).
About the Committees
Senate committees discuss bills and meet regularly. Committees assess whether a bill is ready for plenary discussion or if further questions should be addressed to the government. Bills accompanied by a blank report are handled as hammer items. The main decisions of the committees are made public as brief notes.
Visitor Information
Committee meetings can be followed live or via the livestream. More information about the possibilities can be found via this link: Visit the Senate.