On Tuesday, January 21, various permanent committees of the Senate discussed ongoing legislative proposals. Below is a selection of these committee meetings. A complete overview can be found here.
Several Senate committees discussed the continuation of the final budgets adopted by the House of Representatives on December 12. See the overview of committee meetings for details. Previously, committees discussed other budgets. By the end of December, they decided to ask questions about 24 budgets. They agreed to vote on all budgets collectively.
Members of the Economic Affairs / Climate and Green Growth (EZ/KGG) committee received a technical briefing on the Council of States assessment of the 2024 Climate Note. The vice-president of the Council of State, Thom de Graaf, and Councilors Marijke Vos, Sylvia Wortmann, and Janneke Gerards provided their insights on this note.
Additionally, this committee discussed with the Scientific Climate Council (WKR) the advice on CO2 removal. On July 10, the Scientific Climate Council (WKR) published its second advice Clearing the Air? which answers the question: With what principles and policies can the Dutch government steer CO2 removal?
The Digitalization (DIGI) committee decided that the proposal for the Implementation Act for the Digital Services Regulation can be handled as a hammer item.
Before a legislative proposal is ready for plenary discussion, committees consult with ministers and state secretaries, often by asking written questions.
The Infrastructure and Water Management / Housing and Spatial Planning (I&W/VRO) committee discussed the status of the Quality Assurance Act for Construction. Written input for further discussion was provided by the BBB party (Kemperman), along with the GroenLinks-PvdA (Crone), CDA (Rietkerk), and the PvdD (Nicolaï).
Senate committees discuss legislative proposals and meet regularly. Committees assess whether a legislative proposal is ready for plenary discussion or if further questions should be posed to the government. Proposals with a blank report are handled as hammer items. The main decisions of the committees are publicly recorded as brief notes.
Committee meetings can be followed live or via the livestream. More information about the possibilities can be found via this link: