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Municipality of Amsterdam
Wat vindt u van het Amsterdamse nachtleven?
Source published: 25 February 2025

What do you think of Amsterdams nightlife?

We are conducting research on the nightlife in our city. We are curious about where Amsterdammers and Weespers go out, how safe they feel, and what they feel is missing in the current offerings. Would you like to participate in the research? Please fill out the questionnaire.

Together with research agency VibeLab, we are examining the nightlife culture in the city. We want to better understand what types of nightlife culture Amsterdammers and Weespers would like to see: where they go out, how safe they feel, and how they experience the impact of nightlife on their neighborhood. Your input helps to make nightlife more inclusive and accessible, and better tailored to the needs of our city.

Join the research

Would you like to participate? Please fill out the questionnaire. This takes about 10 minutes. Everyone aged 16 and over can participate.

Go to the questionnaire

Want to know more

Photo: Jordy Brada

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Source last updated: 25 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 26 February 2025
Source: Gemeente Amsterdam