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Netherlands Enterprise Agency | RVO
Extra subsidie voor systeemoplossingen vol elektriciteitsnet
Source published: 20 February 2025

Additional Subsidy for System Solutions for a Full Electricity Grid

Additional subsidy for system solutions for a full electricity grid

Starting March 18, entrepreneurs and researchers can submit a plan for a subsidy for system solutions that help with a full electricity grid. This is possible through an additional round of the Mission-driven Research, Development and Innovation (MOOI): System Integration subsidy. There is € 16.5 million available for innovations that prepare the grid for a large amount of sustainably generated electricity. 

Heavily Loaded Power Network

The MOOI subsidy encourages consortia of entrepreneurs and researchers to find smart solutions that reduce CO2 emissions. Sustainably generated electricity lowers CO2 emissions but also burdens our power network. Smart system solutions help to accommodate a lot of this renewable electricity on the grid.

Solutions through Collaboration

The additional subsidy in this application round of MOOI: System Integration is only for solutions where multiple parties collaborate. Their innovations cover all steps in the process. From generating electricity, to transport, storage, conversion, and large-scale use of energy. The solution of the consortium must concern the integration of renewable electricity and at least one of the other steps in the process from generation to use (energy system).

Paying Attention to Success Factors

The innovation must be ready for the market within 10 years. Applicants have a better chance of receiving a subsidy if they pay attention to factors that increase the chance of success, such as social and societal factors, the affordability of the innovation, and its impact on the stability of the energy system. Collaborating parties can apply for MOOI: System Integration from March 18 to April 17.

Webinar: Increase Your Chances of a Successful Application

Want to learn how to submit a strong application for the MOOI System Integration subsidy? Experts from RVO will host a webinar on Thursday, March 6.

In collaboration with:
  • Ministry of Climate and Green Growth
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Source last updated: 20 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 20 February 2025
Source: RVO