From 2021 to 2023, gas consumption in Dutch households decreased by 25%. This is due to better home insulation, more sustainable heating, and more efficient energy use. These findings are from the 2024 RVO Monitor on the Built Environments Sustainability.
Monitor on Sustainability of the Built Environment
The monitor is released annually. It provides a detailed overview of developments in building sustainability, helping property owners, managers, and policymakers. It compiles extensive information on energy use, savings, prices, and labels.
Focus on Sustainable Mobility
This edition includes for the first time a focus on sustainable mobility, such as the rise of electric vehicles. Many owners charge their vehicles at home or work, impacting energy usage. The monitor reports a sharp increase in charging points, from 63,000 in 2016 to 604,000 in September 2024. Households charged about 3 petajoules for electric vehicles in 2023, approximately 4% of total household electricity consumption.
Other Notable Points
The latest monitor highlights the following:
- Final household energy consumption in 2023 was 18% lower than in 2021;
- Space heating saw a 22% reduction;
- Energy-saving behavior is the key factor behind these savings;
- In 2024, nearly a quarter (24%) of homeowners were somewhat certain about taking energy-saving measures within three years.
Want to Know More?
Visit Energy Figures for Buildings.