On February 19, 2025, former President of the Senate Frits Korthals Altes passed away at the age of 93. During his long political career, Korthals Altes served as Minister of Justice and temporarily as Minister of the Interior, and was chairman of the VVD. Since 2001, he held the honorary title of Minister of State.
Korthals Altes was a member of the Senate twice. From June 10, 1981, to November 4, 1982, when he became Minister of Justice in the Lubbers I cabinet. On June 11, 1991, he rejoined the Senate until October 2, 2001. From 1995 to 1997, he was the VVD party leader, and from 1997 until his departure from the Senate, he was President of the Senate. Even after his departure from the Senate, he remained very involved, recalls current Senate President Jan Anthonie Bruijn.
Frits Korthals Altes will be commemorated in the Senate at a yet to be determined time.