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        Parlementaire enquêtecommissie Corona bezoekt Londen
Source published: 31 January 2025

Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Corona visits London

The Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Corona visited the UK Covid-19 Inquiry in London from January 29 to 31, 2025. It is unique that a neighboring country is conducting a similar investigation at the same time, with a similar goal: to learn lessons from the corona pandemic for the future. The chairman of the inquiry committee, Daan de Kort, looks back on an inspiring working visit: It was incredibly interesting and valuable to hear the experiences of another inquiry committee on the same subject and to get a glimpse into their approach. We can use the experiences of the British well in our research.

Sharing experiences and knowledge

The corona policy in the United Kingdom largely coincided with that in the Netherlands. There were similar challenges during the lockdowns, the handling of vaccinations, and the pressure on healthcare. During the working visit, the committee members engaged in discussions with the External link:UK Covid-19 Inquiry. Topics of discussion included the selection and choices of subjects and persons for the public hearings. There was also attention to the impact of corona on people.

Public hearings

The committee also visited one of the External link:public hearings currently taking place in the United Kingdom. These are similar to the public hearings that the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Corona will hold under oath in the spring of 2026 in the Inquiry Hall of the House of Representatives. During a visit to the House of Parliament, discussions were held about the role and functioning of the Parliament during the corona crisis. 

Corona Commission United Kingdom

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is the independent public inquiry into the British response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact of the pandemic. The goal is to learn lessons for the future. People from all over the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) are invited to share their unique experiences under the banner External link:Every Story Matters. The British commission wants to hear as much as possible about the impact Covid-19 has had on lives. About 54,000 UK residents have shared their experiences. These experiences are included in the UK Covid-19 Inquiry research.

Research Approach Netherlands

The Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Corona has established a research proposal. Based on six research periods and six themes, important questions will be answered, and lessons will be drawn. The committee explicitly investigates the role of the cabinet and the role of the House of Representatives during the crisis. Various parts of the research will use available (scientific) insights and literature. Information is requested from departments and other organizations. In addition, the inquiry committee conducts interviews and makes working visits. These working visits aim to get an impression of how the corona crisis was experienced by different groups of people.

Committee Members

The Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Corona consists of the MPs Daan de Kort (VVD - chairman), Anita Pijpelink (GroenLinks/PvdA), Peter Smitskam (PVV), and Sander van Waveren (NSC). Read more about the committee on its committee page.

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Source last updated: 31 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 31 January 2025
Source: Tweede Kamer