We are going to help Amsterdammers better transition to suitable housing. Too many people live in homes that do not fit their situation. They live in homes that are too small, too large, or too expensive. Moving often doesnt work due to the housing shortage. In addition to building new homes, we want to make it easier for residents to move to a home that better suits them. Therefore, there is a new plan on the table: Suitable housing in Amsterdam.
Transitioning helps to get the housing market moving. One move can ensure that multiple households can transition. Amsterdammers moving to suitable elderly housing may leave behind a family home. A family stuck in a cramped social rental home can move there. And that creates space for people who have been on a waiting list for social housing for years.
A few numbers
To live healthily and comfortably, it is important to have enough space. In Amsterdams social rental homes, about 12,000 families live in too small houses. About 60 percent of social rental homes are not suitable for people with mobility difficulties. People with an average income also often have little chance of finding a house in the city.
A selection of measures from our transition offensive Suitable housing in Amsterdam:
- Expanding moving arrangements
We are significantly expanding the moving arrangement from Groot to Beter. This makes transitioning more attractive for households leaving a large home when they move. Amsterdammers using the arrangement will receive priority in searching for a new home and retain their current rent price.
- More right to subsidies
A new subsidy arrangement Suitable Living will be introduced. This will enable more people to receive a moving cost reimbursement. Even people who currently do not meet the requirements of the existing moving arrangement from Groot to Beter can benefit from this. For example, if they move to a home outside the social sector or outside the city. Furthermore, people leaving a social rental home to live together will also receive a moving cost reimbursement.
- Customized support
We will intensively guide more people and offer tailored support when they want to move. Residents in the middle segment and homeowners are now also eligible for this support. More transition coaches will be introduced and we will compile an extensive package of measures. Think of financial advice, help with clearing out a home, or practical assistance with moving. We will also use the coaches to help households still living in wheelchair-accessible housing, but no longer need it, find another suitable home.
- Easier housing exchanges
Housing exchanges can be a very good way to help two households transition to suitable housing. However, due to complicated rules, it often fails to proceed with the exchange. Therefore, housing corporations will better coordinate their rules. This will remove barriers and make housing exchanges easier.
Identifying issues
In the coming year, we will investigate what else is needed to get the transition moving effectively. We will intensively guide 25 households in their move to a suitable home. We will ensure that different groups are represented, such as people with a language barrier, residents from a specific neighborhood, or elderly homeowners. This way, we can better learn where the issues lie and how we can solve them.