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Statistics Netherlands | CBS
Productie industrie groeit 0,5 procent in januari
Source published: 10 March 2025

Industrial Production Grows by 0.5 Percent in January

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The calendar-adjusted production of the Dutch industry was 0.5 percent higher in January than in January 2024, according to CBS. This marks the first production increase in over a year and a half.

Growth in Over Half of the Sectors

More than half of all industry sectors produced more in January compared to the same month a year earlier. Among the eight largest sectors, the transport equipment industry recorded the largest decline, while the production of machine repair and installation noted the highest increase.

Production Rises in January

To determine the short-term development of production, it is best to look at figures adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects. From December to January, production rose by 1.0 percent. The seasonally and calendar-adjusted production usually fluctuates significantly. Declines and increases follow each other rapidly. In May 2020, industrial production reached a low point. After that, a rising trend was established until May 2022. Since then, the trend has reversed.

Industry Producers Less Negative in February

Producers in the industry were less negative in February than in January. This is because manufacturers were less negative about their finished product inventories. Germany is an important market for the Dutch industry. The confidence of German producers was also less negative in February than in January (Eurostat).

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Source last updated: 10 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 10 March 2025
Source: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek