The ViA15 project was on hold for some time due to legal issues regarding nitrogen. Now, the route decision is final, and preparations can continue.
What needs to be done before construction can start? Environmental manager Jacqueline te Lindert explains the preparations and gives a behind-the-scenes look. There is still a lot to do before we can start constructing the highway, says Te Lindert. First, we strengthen the project teams of Rijkswaterstaat and our partner GelreGroen. This takes time, but the joint office is filling up quickly.
Logistical Operation
Organizing manpower is crucial, but logistics and planning are also key. Te Lindert: Coordination with contractors takes time. The project was on hold for four years, and much has changed in the construction world. For example, some suppliers no longer exist. The closure of the asphalt plant in Nijmegen in 2024 means we need to find new sources for asphalt and fit them into the schedule. We have also resumed contact with utility companies for connections to the power grid.
Coordination with ProRail
The new A15 crosses the railway at several points. We are in talks with ProRail about necessary temporary railway closures for road construction, explains Te Lindert. This is especially challenging near the Betuweroute. Applications for closures must be submitted two years in advance, and we are not the only ones needing to perform work. Together, we find available periods.
Reapplying for Permits
‘Dozens of permits have been applied for, but many more are needed,’ says Te Lindert. ‘This involves extensive discussions with municipalities, provinces, and water boards. The introduction of the Environmental Act adds complexity. New permits, such as for viaducts, must meet the new law’s requirements. More information is on the project page permits .’
Considering Climate Change
Climate change impacts the ViA15 project. Te Lindert: ‘Recent years have seen extreme rainfall affecting roads. Events like the Limburg floods in 2021 highlight the need for stronger designs to withstand groundwater pressure. Our technical designs are being adjusted accordingly. However, drivers will not notice these changes when using the road.
Demolition of Gas Station
‘We often get questions about demolishing the former gas station on the A12 between Duiven and Zevenaar,’ says Te Lindert. This will make way for the new De Liemers junction, connecting the A15 and A12. The former operator will conduct decontamination work in March or April 2025 due to a small spill. Rijkswaterstaat will then demolish the station, keeping the parking area open during the work.
Archaeological Research
Archaeological research along the route has continued. In 2020, the remains of a missing British soldier from WWII were found. The Royal Netherlands Armys Recovery and Identification Service identified him as Private Henry Moon, missing since 1944. He was honorably buried in Oosterbeek last September. Recent findings in Bemmel include WWII trenches, munitions, and various military equipment. Most archaeological studies are now complete, with final work expected after summer, including finishing the excavation at Huis Rijswijk. More about archaeological finds is on Archaeology in Image .
No major work is currently underway in the route area, except for small-scale nature maintenance near Groessen and Angeren. Te Lindert: ‘It seems quiet, but we are working hard behind the scenes for a successful restart.’ Rijkswaterstaat expects more clarity on the planning in spring 2025. We will start by widening the existing A12, addressing regional congestion concerns.