In the autumn round of 2024, a total of 2,513,671 COVID vaccinations were registered with the RIVM. The vaccination rate for those over 60 is 46.6%. The vaccination rate varies by age group and region. The COVID vaccination was available and recommended until December 6, 2024, for people aged 60 and over, people aged 18 to 59 who receive an invitation for the flu shot every year, children and adults who could become seriously ill from COVID (for example, due to a severe immune deficiency), and healthcare workers who have direct contact with vulnerable patients.
Vaccination rate autumn round 2024 by age group and region
The vaccination rate for those over 60 is lowest for the 60-64 age group (29.1%) and highest for the 80-84 age group (60.7%). The vaccination rate in the three largest cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague) is slightly lower than average. In several municipalities in the provinces of Friesland and Overijssel, in the Bible belt, and at the eastern border of the country, the vaccination rate is also lower than the national average.
Vaccination rate autumn round 2024 and 2023
The vaccination rate for the autumn round of 2024 for those over 60 was 3.9 percentage points lower than the vaccination rate for the autumn round in 2023 (50.5%). The differences between age groups show the same pattern as in 2023: the vaccination rate was also lowest among those aged 60-64 and highest for those aged 75-79 and 80-84.
COVID vaccination in 2025
The COVID vaccination remains available now that the autumn round has ended for adults and children from medically high-risk groups who are referred by their treating physician. A new COVID vaccination round will be held in the autumn of 2025. The RIVM will provide more information about this autumn round in the course of 2025.