On April 28, 2024, around 3:30 PM, two residents noticed smoke coming from a barn attached to their home on Noordeindseweg. They immediately called emergency services. Several witnesses saw two men fleeing, who were quickly apprehended by the police. One was a 21-year-old from Rotterdam and the other a 29-year-old without a fixed address. They smelled of smoke and had acetone on their shoes.
In the barn, items indicative of a drug lab were found, including ammonia and acetone, chemicals used in cocaine extraction and various drug production processes. The exact cause of the fire remains unclear, but chat messages between suspects suggest a short circuit was likely.
Cocaine Extraction
The two apprehended suspects were in the lab with the victim, preparing to manufacture cocaine. The Public Prosecution Service holds them responsible for the fire. The prosecutor stated during the hearing: “Operating a drug lab is dangerous; you work with substances you have no experience with, and it’s no surprise when things go terribly wrong.” The death of the 20-year-old victim is attributed to these suspects.
Third Suspect
Later, a 31-year-old man from Rotterdam was also arrested. Although he wasn’t physically present at the crime scene, the prosecution claims he was involved in the drug lab that caught fire. The prosecutor views him as the one directing the other two suspects. His involvement in drugs was evident from the contents of his phone, which contained numerous drug-related conversations.
No Responsibility Shown
“A young mans life has ended tragically and unnecessarily. He had plans: to marry his beloved and build his future. Perhaps he wasn’t a model citizen, as he was involved in hard drugs, but he didn’t deserve to die this way,” said the prosecutor.
The prosecution criticizes the two suspects present in the barn for not being transparent and not taking responsibility. They could have called emergency services to report that another person might still be inside. The fire department might have had a chance to rescue the victim from the flames.
Despite the 31-year-old suspect not being at the scene, the prosecution argues his role was equally significant. Without his leadership, there would have been no functioning cocaine lab, and this tragedy might not have occurred.