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European Commission
Toespraak van Commissaris Kubilius bij de Jaarlijkse Conferentie van het Europees Defensieagentschap, 22 januari 2025
Source published: 22 January 2025

Commissioner Kubiliuss Speech at the European Defence Agency Annual Conference, 22 January 2025

To begin with: Happy Birthday!

20 years of the European Defence Agency.

Truly worth celebrating.

In 2004, Lithuania joined the EU and NATO alongside many other Central and Eastern European countries.

For us, it was a historical miracle, having lived under Soviet control for years.

20 years ago, the future was bright: no more Iron Curtain, peace and democracy forever in Europe!

Back then, the EU did little on Defence. But the European Defence Agency changed that.

Now, we do much more, thanks to the agency.

Today, I stand here as the EUs first Commissioner for Defence and Space.

Yet, we live in dangerous times.

I dont want to dampen the mood.

But as we all know, war clouds are gathering over Europe.

We are under attack.

On land, sea, air, and cyberspace.

Hybrid attacks increase, testing our readiness.

Experts call it Russias “new generation warfare”.

Propaganda, sabotage, and military aggression are forms of the same “total war”.

If we do nothing, hybrid attacks may lead to military ones.

No doubt about Putins intentions.

He may not stop at Ukraine.

He aims to turn back time.

Not just 20 years, but to the Soviet Union era.

It could mean annexation of Europe.

Russia is not alone. North Korea, Iran, and China align.

NATO and EU intelligence warn: if we do nothing, in five years, Russia may confront NATO and the EU.

Russias war economy runs full steam.

Factories work tirelessly, producing arms.

Russias defense spending has doubled since before the invasion.

This year, Russia will spend 40% of its budget on defense.

9% of GDP.

Nine percent!

Last year, EU states spent an average of 1.9% of GDP on Defense, a 30% increase.

But still insufficient.

Lithuania plans to allocate 5-6% of GDP to defense.

Thats the commitment we need.

Good news: theres still time to deter Russian aggression.

But first, lets look to history for inspiration.

I read Jean Monnets memoirs recently.

Monnet, a founding father of the EU and victory in WWII.

He coined the term “Arsenal of Democracy”.

Monnet worked with Churchill and Roosevelt.

His “Victory Plan” was vital for allied success.

As I read, much felt familiar:

Early war complacency.

Low reserves of manpower and weapons.

Low production capacity.

Industrys hesitation to invest without clear orders.

Militarys secretive needs.

Budget concerns.

Today, the EU faces similar challenges.

But we also understand whats needed.

As Roosevelt said, the best US defense was Britains success.

The same applies to our support for Ukraine.

Monnet emphasized the importance of showing the truth about readiness gaps.

We must be honest about our defense needs.

Monnets advice: money shouldnt hinder defense when facing existential threats.

Like Monnet, we face existential threats.

We have gaps in readiness and struggle to fund defense.

But we can deter Russian aggression.

We can learn from history.

First, support Ukraine militarily and industrially.

Defending Ukraine means defending Europe.

Every intercepted missile or drone is one less threat to Europe.

Each day Ukraine fights strengthens the EU and NATO.

Second, ensure EU states have the weapons they need.

Weve made progress with EDIS, our defense strategy.

The EU invests €1 billion annually in defense.

The European Defence Fund supports all major programs.

It funds 162 joint projects across military domains.

ASAP has provided €500 million for munitions.

ASAP helped increase artillery shell production significantly.

Our strategy calls for joint procurement.

Last November, we proved it works with EDIRPA.

€300 million invested in cross-border projects.

This leveraged €11 billion in procurement.

A huge return on investment.

A “big bang” in defense production.

This is the way forward.

We cant afford fragmented defense approaches.

We need a ‘big bang in defense production.

We need a European approach.

That means more industrial cooperation.

And more production capacity in Europe.

We need interoperable weapon systems.

Ukraine learns the cost of fragmentation.

Delays in deliveries and repairs cost territory and lives.

A European approach means scale, coordination, and funding.

We need European legislation.

Parliament and Council must agree on EDIP.

Were preparing the White Paper on European Defenses future.

We want the EU to enhance member states readiness.

Joint investment in defense is needed.

Joint procurement based on NATOs targets is needed.

We must meet these by 2030, not 2044.

Two days ago, I met with NATOs North Atlantic Council.

NATO and EU will align on military needs.

The European Defence Agency plays a key role.

The Commission will work with EDA for timely defense delivery.

Progress requires cooperation between NATO, EDA, and the EU.

The Commission adds value through coordination and support.

We can help member states achieve capability targets.

We can raise funds and implement industrial programs.

Our collective efforts can create a “big bang” in defense.

Collectively, we present aggregate demand to industries.

This clarity encourages industry to expand.

Aggregate demand lowers defense equipment costs.

Member states decide on capabilities.

The EU helps them acquire capabilities faster and cheaper.

Im also Commissioner for Space.

Our space assets will aid defense.

Space achievements inspire us in Defense.

Lets learn to work together, program, and deliver.

A word about money.

NATO Secretary-General Rutte says we need to “turbo charge” spending.

I agree.

We must spend more, better, together, and European.

Monnet advised matching finances to defense needs.

If we dont understand this, Putin does.

Putin told his forces: “no funding restrictions”.

This is our challenge.

Costs of deterrence are high.

But war costs are higher.

Every euro spent on defense saves lives.

Every euro that deters an attack saves future lives.

Will save civilian lives from Russian rockets.

Returning to Monnet:

We have time to prevent conflict.

We have the EU and NATO.

The EU is the worlds largest market.

NATO is the largest military alliance.

The EU can be an arsenal for democracy.

We can outspend, outproduce, and outgun Russia.

We can deter aggression to ensure peace.

This is my goal as commissioner and European.

We have everyone here to make it happen.

Industry, states, forces, and EU institutions.

I count on your support for peace and freedom.

Lets turbocharge our efforts!

Lets do it!!!

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Source last updated: 22 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 22 January 2025
Source: Europese Commissie