Distinguished guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for your warm welcome.
It is an honor to join you to discuss the European Commissions agenda for a competitive and sustainable Europe.
Tonight, I will share insights on our challenges and strategies to address them.
Europe is in a rapidly evolving world.
Old certainties are challenged, and technological changes accelerate.
Trade tensions rise, and our core values are tested.
Our ability to safeguard these values depends largely on our economic adaptability and competitiveness.
Competitiveness is crucial for our freedom, security, and prosperity.
Climate change is an existential threat.
Weve shown progress in reducing emissions while growing our economy.
Our European Green Deal goals remain vital.
The Commission prioritizes a sustainable and competitive European future.
Europe has the assets needed to thrive globally: a skilled workforce, capital, and legal stability.
The Single Market is a remarkable EU achievement.
However, productivity growth is essential for sustainable living standards.
The EU has lagged in productivity compared to other economies.
Weve seen a gap in technology and innovation, especially in digital sectors.
Energy costs, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory burdens must be addressed.
The Draghi report outlines steps for closing the innovation gap and enhancing competitiveness.
Research and innovation are at the core of our economic strategy.
We need increased investment in advanced technologies.
The new European Biotech Act will facilitate market entry for biotech innovations.
Decarbonization presents both challenges and opportunities for European industry.
The Industrial Decarbonisation Accelerator Act supports clean technologies and infrastructure.
We must build resilient supply chains and enforce trade agreements.
Administrative simplification is key to enhancing competitiveness.
The Commission is committed to reducing red tape for businesses.
Our Competitiveness Compass will guide efforts to rejuvenate Europes economy.
Member States play a vital role in implementing reforms.
We must act swiftly to meet the challenges ahead.
Thank you for your attention.