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Openingsopmerkingen van Commissaris Kadis bij de Hoogwaardige Rondetafel “Dialoog over Visserij en Oceanen - Helpen bij het ontwerpen van het Europese Oceaanpact”
Source published: 21 February 2025

Opening Remarks by Commissioner Kadis at the High-Level Roundtable “Fisheries and Ocean Dialogue - Helping design the European Ocean Pact”

Excellencies, Ministers, Presidents, distinguished colleagues,

It is a privilege to stand before you at this High-Level Roundtable on the Fisheries and Ocean Dialogue “Helping design the European Ocean Pact”. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for being here. This meeting reflects our shared commitment to the health and prosperity of the ocean—a connected whole that unites us and shapes our cultures, economies, and futures.

We recognize the oceans profound significance. It is the source of life and the core of our societies and economies. The ocean knows no borders and connects us in ways beyond geography and politics.

Todays focus is on engaging stakeholders in designing the Ocean Pact. The EU must collaborate to create an effective ocean governance model.

We received an impressive number of submissions. More than 860 contributions! This feedback is crucial for our policies. The dialogue remains open. The EU is here to listen and work with all stakeholders.

Following this event, there will be more consultations. During the EU Ocean Days in March, we will have key discussions. Your insights are indispensable in shaping this pact.

The ocean is one whole and requires cross-border collaboration. Your leadership is vital in this process.

We must value the voices of fishers, scientists, and communities. Their engagement strengthens our policymaking.

The challenges are significant: rising sea levels, climate change, pollution. But there are also opportunities for sustainable growth and biodiversity protection.

The European Ocean Pact symbolizes these opportunities. It is a promise for innovation and support to coastal communities.

Our effectiveness depends on knowledge and innovation. Europe must lead in ocean technologies.

Remember the human dimension: the resilience of coastal communities is crucial.

Key themes for the pact include: a sustainable blue economy, ocean health protection, and a robust knowledge network.

The decisions we make shape the future of the ocean and our people. My door is open for your ideas and concerns. Lets create an inclusive and effective model together.

The ocean connects us; may it also inspire us to act as one.

I look forward to your contributions to the European Ocean Pact!

Thank you.

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Source last updated: 21 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 21 February 2025
Source: Europese Commissie