Ladies and gentlemen,
What a perfect timing! The date for EVision 2025 coincides with the launch of our industrial action plan for the automotive sector. This provides an opportunity to present our plans for e-mobility.
As Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism, I am committed to making transport more competitive, sustainable, smarter, and safer. This is what Europeans need. The automotive industry is crucial, contributing 7% to the EU GDP and providing jobs for 13.8 million people.
Despite the increase in electric vehicles, road transport accounts for 73% of transport emissions. We must address the pressures on the automotive industry, including supply chain risks and high energy costs. The Draghi report highlights the economic potential of sustainable mobility.
To keep the EU as a global leader in the automotive sector, we must support the entire value chain. The EU Clean Industrial Deal sets a framework to boost investment and make the automotive industry globally competitive.
Our action plan outlines flagship initiatives in five areas: innovation, clean mobility, competition, skills, and a level playing field. Electrification is a global trend, with every fifth car sold being electric.
Investment in charging infrastructure is crucial. The Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation sets targets, and we are seeing results. However, more work is needed to ensure even distribution.
We are also looking to accelerate grid connection, currently a major bottleneck. The EU Action Plan for Grids addresses transparency and support for grid operators. Charging stations and their grid access should be considered of overriding public interest.
Electric vehicles present challenges for the grid but can also provide new flexibility. Smart charging and bi-directional charging can help reduce grid pressure.
Thank you very much.